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For the brave hearts who've defended us,
you're never alone in the
fight against inner battles.


Watch, Reach Out, Heal

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The Veterans Crisis Line operates round-the-clock, providing support to both Veterans and their supporters. This impactful video, "You Are Not Alone," delivers a heartfelt message from fellow Veterans, urging those in distress to reach out when they need a compassionate listener during challenging moments.

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By seeking help, veterans protect the very foundation of their households, fostering an environment of love, resilience, and unity that is vital for their family's emotional and psychological health.

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This recognizes the valuable service of women veterans from diverse backgrounds and branches, emphasizing the challenges they might face post-military life. It promotes the Women Veterans Call Center

(1-855-VA-WOMEN) as a confidential resource staffed by female representatives, including veterans, offering support and connecting women to essential VA healthcare resources.

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